Mlmym Security Update - v0.0.40

We updated our hosting of the mlmym frontend at to version 0.0.40 which fixes an issue where bots could abuse a redirect feature for SEO. You can see the details of the issue here:

February 28, 2024 · 1 min · Ategon

Introducing Blocks.Programming.Dev! Code snippet sharing

Introducing! This is a site to add small code snippets you make for sharing easily in threads in if you need to do something like put the same code in multiple spots. The site is running using software called opengist and is essentially an equivalent to gists in github. Repo for it is here Snippets are accessible both in the web interface and using git if you prefer adding in code from your text editor and then pushing it....

February 27, 2024 · 1 min · Ategon

Voyager and Mlmym Frontend Updates (2024-02-25)

Two of our alternate frontends have been updated to their most recent versions. Voyager ( Has been updated from version 1.37.4 -> 1.41.0 Main changes: You can long press on comments/posts to get the more actions sheet Gifs can be configured to autoplay always, never, or on wifi When tapping into a post the video continues to play seamlessly Videos in the feed have a mute icon you can toggle You can now hide self-post thumbnails in compact mode You can now set it so you always need to tap to reveal child comments Large post voting buttons can be hidden Community icons can be hidden Link creation now has a dialog for entering link info Subscript and superscript support for markdown You can now long press usernames to block Mlmym (old....

February 25, 2024 · 1 min · Ategon

Introducing the P.D Community Wiki

Introducing the Programming.Dev community wiki. This is a place where communities can set up wiki pages for their communities to allow people to easily get info relating to it. You can find the site here How does navigation work? The home page has a list of communities with pages. If you click on a community it will bring you to their list of documents that you can look through. Some possible use cases for a community wiki are: a code of conduct page, a frequently asked questions page, information about the community, credits if you need to credit things such as your community icon, a page for related communities, etc....

February 15, 2024 · 2 min · Ategon

Introducing Me.Programming.Dev

We have a brand new supporting site for the instances! Me.Programming.Dev is a place where you can see relevant links for things we host. Listed are software we are hosting, status pages, alternate frontends, and more. You can find the site here Custom pages The site is a self-hosted linkstack instance so as a little thank you towards donators, donators are able to get a custom page to put socials on....

February 13, 2024 · 1 min · Ategon

Welcome to Stacks!

Stacks is the official blog for Programming.Dev! This is a place where we will share news, announcements, upgrades, etc. relating to any instances we host such as (and the new instance coming soon). There should be many new releases coming out and being announced here over the next month as things that have been getting made start finishing up! An rss feed is available for inserting into your rss reader at http://stacks....

February 12, 2024 · 1 min · Ategon